This website has been created by the Parish Council to give you an insight into the villages of the Parish, details of what they have to offer in the way of amenities and useful information about the Parish Council itself. We also hope that the web site will give you a taste of what it is like to live in the area. We believe that in providing this information you will be able to access any practical information you require about the local area. It will also help you become more involved with a wide range of village activities and to enjoy being part of a very special way of life.
If you have any suggestions for additional information or links that should be included on the site please Contact Us. If you would like to get involved in any of the village organisations or events please use the contact details provided. If you have any problems finding the right person to talk to, please e-mail the Parish Clerk Clare Davies at or write to: Egerton Farm, Egerton, Malpas, SY14 8AN.